Episode #142
Hosts: Paul Testa, Tim Daloisio
Guests: none

UPDATE: Show links and player fixed and now playing this weeks show!!

[powerpress src=”http://media.blubrry.com/firecastatmvn/www.firebrandal.com/podcast/142_6_21_13_firesidechats.mp3“]

It’s been hard finding podcasting time with the Bruins playing every other night for the past month, but Paul and Tim can’t pass up the opportunity to talk closers — or lack there of.

It is hard to not be encouraged by the Red Sox overall performance this month given the stiff competition that they have faced starting in New York and through the current Detroit series. Even more amazing is that they have done it with a shaky back end of the pen and struggles in performance and in health from their top two starters in Jon Lester and Clay Buccholz.

Despite the Red Sox successes there are questions as the trade deadline looms in the horizon; starting with the closer situation and the specter of Jonathan Papelbon – the once and future king and continuing with the SS/3B triangle of Stephen Drew, Will Middlebrooks, Jose Iglesias and Xander Boegarts.

All that and more on this episode of Fireside Chats.

Thanks for listening!