Episode #155
Hosts: Paul Testa, Tim Daloisio
Guests: none
[powerpress src=”http://media.blubrry.com/firecastatmvn/www.firebrandal.com/podcast/155_6_25_14_firesidechats.mp3“]
The Red Sox have been playing like a big old pile of whatever unspeakable things Manny Ramirez used to do inside the Green Monster… so what better time to start cleaning out the basement and garage and putting the yard sale sign out on the lawn — “Everything must go”.
Paul and I explore all the options that being a seller might mean for this franchise moving forward. Give the young talent a chance to showcase itself, prime the pump for blockbusters in the offseason, all while cashing in on some veteran assets at the deadline?
Sounds like a plan to me!
All that and more on this week’s edition of Fireside Chats.
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