Starting today, on every other Monday (3 Up 3 Down will appear twice a month as well), we over here at Fire Brand of the American League are going to bring you what we think were the Top 10 Tweets of the Week. If you have a Twitter you know that Twitter is essentially a public forum where people can voice their up to 140-character opinions. Since we are a Red Sox blog we typically voice our opinion about the Boston Red Sox and enjoy hearing others do the same. If you follow us on Twitter, @firebrandal, you know this.
You have also probably recognized that two different people are tweeting from the @firebrandal account, often times simultaneously (tweets signed -jtr [the author of this article] or -kmg). Why has this been happening? Recently, we have been lucky enough to get Kyle Moulding (-kmg) and his 1,700+ followers from over at @BoSoxNewsFeed to join forces with the @firebrandal Twitter account. Our goal is to become a more active presence on Twitter for as many games as we possibly can (we all know that life gets in the way sometimes and you miss a game from time to time), as well as into the offseason. As the official ESPN Sweetspot Boston Red Sox website, we want to continue to bring you reliable information, analysis, and some occasional humor on the Red Sox. This can all come from Kyle or myself, our writers, retweets from other writers, or links that we tweet out.
So, if you have not given us a follow on Twitter, do it now!

Bock Holt thinks about his favorite tweets of this week (Photo by Kelly O’Connor of
Before we move on to the Tweets of the Week, let’s outline the three W’s of this column: What, Why, and When…
What: The top ten tweets of the week will come from Sunday of the previous week to the Sunday before today. They will come from anyone: players (@mookiebetts, @TeamUehara, etc.), famous writers (@pgammo, @gordonedes, etc.), blog writers (@evanbrunell, @RedSox_Thoughts, etc.), trolls (@PoarchDaniel), or just normal people with a Twitter. So tweet away and tweet at us! Who knows, maybe you will find one of your tweets in the top 10.
Why: Because Twitter can be not only informative, but hilarious. Hopefully some of these top tweets will make you laugh.
When: I will do this every other Monday. If you see an interesting/humorous/stunning tweet, tweet it at us so we can laugh or get angry too!
Without further adieu:
Honorable Mention: Brock Holt’s Mom has a Twitter account (gaylynnholt) and she tweeted this out after the Holt family witnessed Brock’s offensive explosion yesterday in person:
My words at lunch,"Wish I could watch him hit a HR in person". And then he did! #blessed #GodIsGood
— GayLynn Holt (@gaylynnholt) July 13, 2014
10. We all know that Clay Buchholz is not the most handsome man in the world. Often times he tends to look like an alien. This is how he looked yesterday after throwing his complete game shutout!
Ladies and gentlemen, Clay Buchholz. #redsox
— Red (@SurvivingGrady) July 13, 2014
9. I don’t really know what to make of this, but I do know that @redsoxstats is consistently tweeting out fantastic Red Sox information:
8. Brian MacPherson is a Red Sox beat writer for the Providence Journal and a great follow. He tweeted this after Mookie Betts battled with Chris Sale for eleven pitches before hitter a wall ball double off the Monster. The Sox would end up winning this game in walk off fashion.
Mookie Betts works an 11-pitch at-bat against Chris Sale and then scrapes a double off the Green Monster.
— Brian MacPherson (@brianmacp) July 10, 2014
7. After AJP was designated for assignment, Rob Bradford wrote a great piece on AJ and why he did not fit in with the culture inside the Sox clubhouse. He mentioned that Pierzynski would often check or answer his phone during games, which, obviously, rubbed his teammates the wrong way. Here is what former Fire Brand writer Jack Keller tweeted shortly thereafter… Whether it is a wife, friend, sibling or parent, I think we can all relate to this:
6. AJP DFA’d! Red Sox Nation rejoices!
John Farrell confirms on @WEEI that AJ Pierzynski has been designated for assignment. Christian Vazquez starts tonight.
— Alex Speier (@alexspeier) July 9, 2014
5. Kevin, over at @RedSoxShoes, is another great Sox presence on Twitter. After Kyle tweeted that the Sox had made 57 errors on the season, Kevin responded with this… Tend to agree:
@firebrandal 59. You forgot the AJ and Drew signings.
— Kevin (@RedSoxRedShoes) July 14, 2014
4. Henry Owens can’t get here fast enough:
Henry Owens on whether he wants to be viewed as a future big league ace: ' Yeah. Tune in to the 1st pitch tonight. Maybe I'll make a point.'
— Alex Speier (@alexspeier) July 13, 2014
3. Tim Britton is another beat writer for the Providence Journal and he is one of my favorite people to follow. I guarantee I have missed some of his better tweets this week, but this one about Stephen Drew being intentionally walked in the bottom of the 10th inning in game four of the White Sox series (which led to Carp’s walk off) is great:
Stephen Drew is being intentionally walked. This season has jumped the shark.
— Tim Britton (@TimBritton) July 10, 2014
2. Gary Marbry (@nuggetpalooza) is a great follow if you enjoy Red Sox conversation and satire. This tweet came after Buchholz surrendered a three run home run to Dayan “The Cuban Tank” Viciedo in the fourth inning of last Tuesday’s game.
"Here's the pitch from Clay Buchholz…"
— Gary Marbry (@nuggetpalooza) July 8, 2014
1. A fathers dream:
Morning conversation with my 4-yr-old:
Him: 'What are you doing?'
Me: 'Writing a story about a baseball player.'
Him: 'Is it Mookie Betts?'— Alex Speier (@alexspeier) July 11, 2014
I hope you enjoyed! See you in two weeks!