
Sam Killay covers the Devil Rays for MVN at Raystalk. I just got done writing an article about one finesse lefty over at my MVN blog, and now I’m about to write a different article about a different finesse lefty here on Firebrand. Talk about deja vu. Evan asked...

Total Recall

Back in September, as the Sox geared up for their final playoff push, I wrote an article here on Fire Brand about Cleveland Indians GM Mark Shapiro. In that article, I recounted the last three years of Indians baseball, making the case that the success of...

Talk Amongst Yourselves

Evan needed a quick fill-in post for today, so here it is. Last night, a friend of mine and I sat down to watch Game 5 of the 2004 ALCS (one of the five or six best postseason games ever played, at least in my opinion) and wound up having a decent-sized conversation...

Why I’m Rooting for Toronto

All I’ve written is a title, and already I need to clarify something. I’m not really rooting for the Blue Jays. If the season came down to the Jays vs. the Sox, there would be no question in my mind. 19 times in the next year, these teams will meet, and...

Looking Back: 2004 ALCS Game 1

I woke up yesterday morning and stumbled up the stairs of my parents’ basement to find, waiting for me, the full box set of the 2004 Red Sox World Series run, a set that contains DVD’s of each game of the historic ALCS vs. the Yankees as well as all four...