No A.J.

Amazed I was, in comparing A.J. Burnett’s 2008 breakout year stats against the rest of the Red Sox rotation, to find that A.J. would probably rank as the #4 starting pitcher at Fenway, while earning 2x – 40x more than the rest. Following are what curiosity...


A theory that the Sox lineup so urgently needs more pop that they would bet the ranch on Mark Teixeira or Matt Holliday is, IMO, just plain wrong. Acquiring Teix, or Matt (who Billy B. could resurface at any time) is a not a terrible plan, might be a good plan, but is...

Terrible Cartoons gives you the ALCS roster

The funny is not happening right now, guys. This series is just freaking me out too much: Rays! scary! unpredictable! Longorian evils! mohawks! aargh! So in lieu of the usual bad Terrible Cartoons jokes, instead you get a series of Terrible Cartoons sketch cards of...