Building a mystery: finding the last piece of the rotation

Everyone knows the Red Sox need another starting pitcher. The problem is trying to identify who that is. It’s hard to know where to start with a rotation that doesn’t have much of an identity right now. All four players currently in it – Jon Lester, Clay Buchholz,...

Wil Myers, Jon Lester and runaway rumors

It’s amazing we even live in a world where people can take a story like this and run as far as they have with it. So Monday night, Bob Dutton writes this column. In it, he suggests the idea that Jon Lester and James Shields could be had for Royals super prospect Wil...

Bringing the market into focus: starting pitching

Ben Cherington and his underlings will be spending the early part of this week getting ready to head to Palm Springs, CA to take part in this year’s annual General Manager’s meetings. While the GM Meetings aren’t normally a time of excessive wheeling...

Pillow Talk

With the Boston Red Sox wanting to move away from longer-term contracts on the whole, it seems unlikely that the team will pursue any of the big name free agent pitchers this offseason. It’s been suggested by many that the Red Sox may dive back into the recycling bin,...

Playing the GM Part 2: The Pitchers

As Ben Cherington begins the unenviable, yet extraordinarily challenging, task of rebuilding the Boston Red Sox, he’ll be faced with a number of roster decisions over the next few months.  Still, before he can even begin to think about making trades or signing...

The Advanced Scout – New York Yankees

After being swept at the hands of the Orioles, the Boston Red Sox (69-90, 23 games behind in the AL East) jump on the Acela Express to New York City for their final series of the season against the New York Yankees (92-67, tied for first in the AL East and in the AL...

Pitching, Pitching and More Pitching

There are enough complaints to go around regarding the state of Red Sox with regard to pitching. Self-flagellation used to be (and currently is) a raison d’etre for Red Sox Nation, but I’d like to take a step back (as Brandon Stewart did) and look at the...

The Advanced Scout – Baltimore Orioles

After losing both of their final home games, the tied-for-last Boston Red Sox (69-87, 21 games back in the AL East) travel to Camden Yards for their penultimate series of the year against the Baltimore Orioles (89-67, 1 game back in the AL East, leading the AL Wild...