Money in the margins

Good businesses make money in the margins. Think about a restaurant. Think about a medium-rare filet mignon with potatoes gratin, sautéed broccolini, horseradish cream and port reduction that costs 28 dollars. Sure, that gets you in the door but it is not where the...

All-Aughts Team of the Decade SP4: Jon Lester

Jon Lester, entering his age 26 season, is a prime candidate to be named a starting pitcher of the 2010-19 Team of the Decade, which would mean he was named to back-to-back Team of Decades. Drafted in the second round of the 2002 draft, Lester methodically rose up the...

ALDS Game One Preview

With the opening pitch set for 9:37 pm, Eastern Standard Time, the Sox and Angels get ready to kick off their leg of the American League playoffs. The short-series ALDS puts tremendous emphasis on the opening game, as a 1-0 lead in a Best of 5 is better than gold....