How will fans respond if Ortiz fails early on in 2009?

How long will it take fans to panic if David Ortiz struggles early on in the season? Watching Ortiz fail in the playoffs was something new in the eyes of Bostonians–or fans of the team that resides in Boston anyway, wherever they may live.  A pop in the wrist...

Mr. Reliable.

A few years back, 2007 to be exact.  I used the term “effective” to sum up what Tim Wakefield was as a pitcher.  It was a debate about whether or not the Red Sox were good enough to win the World Series that season.  And as any Red Sox fan knows, the...

He is not Manny…

…But Jason Bay is pretty darn good. “The Red Sox need to replace Manny.” “Jason Bay won’t be able to handle the pressure of Boston.” These are variations of quotes that I have been hearing ever since Manny was traded, and Bay being...