Hope Springs Eternal- Red Sox Prospects Edition

Spring Training brings optimism every year. It’s actually painful to look back and see how optimistic i was last season, because I spent all of March talking myself into Bobby Valentine. Sure, I told myself, he’s had his problems with the media, but he’s had success...

Save the Date

You know the feeling, it’s just some unsuspecting Tuesday when you get the card in the mail. It’s a “Save the Date” for an upcoming wedding. You go to the calendar and cross out a Saturday, knowing all too well that one is shot. (No, that’s not how I felt about...

Wednesday’s Links – Southern Comforts

Sure feels good to have impact prospects in the Boston’s system again. I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for the next generation of Sox. A strong spring, combined with shallow outfield depth, may just give Jackie Bradley Jr. his first cup of...

Daniel Nava: Odd Man Out?

With Opening Day a mere 5 weeks away I thought it would be as good a time as any to take a look at the potential 2013 Opening Day Boston Red Sox offensive roster. This is, of course, taken with a grain of salt, as we all know that health with not remain perfect...

Wednesday’s Links – A Dream of Spring

If you know what that title is from, then you most likely know what begins in two months. And you’re probably pretty awesome too. It’s a real shame this guy is moving on from the Red Sox. Your reigning Fire Brand of the Year, Scott Atchison, has signed...

The Highs & Lows of 2012 (Part 2)

Last week we took at look at the Bottom 5 Moments from 2012, if you missed that you can check it out here. This week, thankfully, we’re back with a (somewhat) more positive look at the previous 12 months. Even in a season that saw the Sox manage only 69 wins to their...

Top 5 Overplayed Storylines of 2013

If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I’ve never been a fan of narratives in sports. I know a good story is fun to follow, but too often, the media takes a story and beats it to death with terrifying efficiency. Just ask your friendly neighborhood...

The Highs & Lows of 2012 (Part 1)

One of my favorite family traditions is sitting down at the end of December and listing our highs and lows from the past year. What were the best moments and what were the worst? It’s a great way to summarize the ebb and flow of life. So, as Red Sox fans gladly wrap...

Why Should I Care…Why Should I Care

Dear Evan and Chip, Hi, it’s Scott. I know I haven’t written a lot lately, and I’ve been incommunicado. On the latter, I’m on vacation in San Francisco (I know, I should have told you) but I’m writing anyway because, well, I’m...