Chat Transcript: Ortiz, Yankees, Buchholz and more

David Ortiz – Samara Pearlstein Sit down with a big cup of coffee, because have I a treat for you. I participated in a chat on Tuesday night and they have made the transcript available for Fire Brand to peruse. Enjoy… Do you think that the Red Sox will be...

Which TV characters resemble Red Sox players?

Apologies to those that don’t follow the shows I do, but I was thinking about the multitude of TV shows that I watch and I thought it would be pretty funny and cool to pair up who I think represents a certain character best on the Red Sox. I’m not limiting...

JUNKYARD DOGS, A Season of Redemption . . . and Hope.

17 of the starting 25 Red Sox for 2009 have much to prove this season. Of this number, 15 are rebounding from injuries which plagued 2008. This is not a bad thing, as the entire team will be extraordinarily motivated to do well, to win, to pull together and help each...